
A lot of primers and mattifying products break me out (silicoooones), so I mostly rely on A) blotting papers and B) a powder you can touch up with during the day that won’t get cakey. Blotting papers are good! And they’re tiny and light and easy to carry!

Whoa that is crazy! What type(s) of sunscreen have you been using? Something containing a physical block (zinc, titanium dioxide, etc) or a chemical block (avobenzone, oxybenzone, etc)? It’s possible that you have a sensitivity to one or the other, or one of the many components that make up chemical sunscreen

I occasionally use my bf’s CeraVe cleanser when I stay over and I think I’m just now realizing that shit breaks me out. :( And it’s some kind of thing with salicylic acid in it, i.e. it should be acne-friendly! WTF.

Oh I actually LOVE the scent! But yes, I appreciate that it cleans well/thoroughly/non-strippingly, but doesn’t take ages to rinse.

Triplets! That cleanser is SUPER good. (It seems like half the Jez staff uses it too? It’s shown up in quite a few of these diaries.)

Also being able to suss out what OTHER people may be calling a thing (perhaps inaccurately) and thus skewing or confusing search results. Is that coat you’re looking for a coat, a jacket, a barn jacket, a duffel, or an anorak? Is it listed as red, brick, cardinal, or maroon even though the mfg’s color name is

I actually like this color and the stark roots? I just hate everything else about this picture — the blank don’t-make-any-wrinkles, look-how-beautiful-I-am facial expression, the boring-ass makeup, and the fact that it’s of kim fucking goddamned kardashian.

I like it too! And if you decide to get a perm, let me offer you some unsolicited advice :

Oh my god I’m feeling both of these looks SUPER HARD. But also I’m 45, so this is what my Formative Years looked like.

Aw, hooray! I’m SO glad that’s working for you — it’s crazy effective for me as well! I’ve been using my Skinoren during the day even though I’m on Retin-A Micro, and it’s helped hugely through the “purge” phase. So keep that one in mind too for future! It’s unscented and has a much lighter texture, so I have no

TRUTH. Primer will give you GREAT performance from good eyeshadows, and often at least “acceptable” performance from blah eyeshadows. The UD Primer Potion does work super well, but it’s got something I’m sensitive to and it makes my eyelids sting and my eyes water. e.l.f.’s tube-and-wand one is pretty okay and doesn’t

Clearly the best dinner party guests would be Camille Paglia, Richard Dawkins, and Ted Nugent. Because they’d all fucking LOATHE each other and it would be just the most deliiiiicious chaos.

WTF. I absolutely NEEEEEED that red/blue one, that is so loud and SO GOOD. (You can include the dude with it, would not complain, pls and ty.)

DEF DS-9 too! I mean I love TOS and TNG, but that one’s prolly my fave.

Concur. I am LEGIT excited for this! Quality space-y sci-fi is hard to come by, and one can only re-watch The Expanse and BSG so many times, after all.


Holy fuck, each and every single one of these ensembles/looks is AT LEAST a solid B, and most of them are firmly in “A+ With Copious Bonus Points” territory. Jesus. Like, every other red carpet event participant should look at this slide show for How You Do Shit Right.

Right here! Their cotton swabs are also great ($1.50 for 200) — they’re a bit smaller and denser/firmer than q-tips, so they’re better for cleaning up eyemakeup mistakes. They also have a lot of skincare products too, some of which I wouldn’t mind trying! The Facial Soap is the only one I’ve bought, and it was fine (a

Oh man I know that struggle. :( But yes, there’re a BUNCH of great makeup brands that’re actually pretty cheap! And while I’ve got a pretty hefty stash of pricey face paint, I’m firmly on Team “Figure out what you like using cheap stuff before you INVEST.”

ORRRRR, you can buy Muji cut cotton, which is pretty much indistinguishable from Shiseido’s (I have both), and is $3.50 instead of ten bucks a pack.  :)