IDK but I feel that Jim Cooke would be the only one good enough to create a fitting logo etc for a Jim Cooke Fan Club and so ...
IDK but I feel that Jim Cooke would be the only one good enough to create a fitting logo etc for a Jim Cooke Fan Club and so ...
I didn’t spend a ton of time in the comments on the old AVC (RIP), but my recollection of it was that it was largely pretty chill and reasonably “enlightened”? Sigh. :|
I think more turned up — for a while, at least — when the AVClub got rolled in and articles started getting cross-posted there? I don’t know if that’s still the case, but it was gnarlier-than-usual for a while right after.
Aw, really? I thought the trailer looked really cool! All that swirly crazy light! And the WROOOWWM WRUUMMM RORRRRRR music! Idk if I’ll bother to see it in a theater, but I’ll def see it.
Me too. Maybe this would’ve worked well for me if he’d stuck with his anonymous/sketch-like approach to the characters, but switched to Grand! And! Florid! tone and diction when getting into the world-building and Mysterious Stuff? Or maybe that would’ve been awkward and jarring, idk, I’m not a writer, I just know I…
Maybe that’s why I remember looking forward SO MUCH to more descriptions of the lichen?
IDK if you’re missing much — I own (and read) the two sequels and ... I can’t really remember much about them? On one hand, his rather spare writing style is effective in some ways, and is a kinda maybe a callback to the styles of older explorer/adventurer novels? But OTOH, it also made it hard for me to get invested…
Hey girl I <3 you and your work! Really! I’ll bookmark it for later! But I just got up and am not inclined to dig deep into net neutrality / porn while I’m having my first cup of coffee and the parrot’s doing his morning “WOOOOOO!” :|
I’m not even going to read the article. I just had to click on the graphic and A) see if it was Jim Cooke and B) yell “GREAT JOB AGAIN JIM COOKE!”
Well now I REALLY want to see it again. :|
I kind of want to watch that movie again just for his performance, but ... I cannotttttt with the Kevin Costner fuckery. Maybe there’s a supercut on YouTube of *just* Rickman’s part?
I was assuming he meant “Anglo” as a nod to the English origins of the office (and its Old English etymology) but .. why the fuck even would he do that? It’s not like he was speaking to The US & UK Sheriffs’ Association. Go bake some cookies, you creepy little racist fuck.
You know what, I apologize, and if/when Kinja ever joins the 21st century I’ll delete it.
I recognize the baggage this issue comes with, and am sincerely sorry if my comment was offensive.
I keep my mouth shut for the most part (other than to offer compliments) but I am always so damn jealous. I have the naturally fine and pin-straight hair apparently so many people work toward, but what I want is TEXTURE and HUGENESS. A glorious poofy mountain of exuberant kinky coils and curls that I can dye different…
Dude I’m pretty sure that’s a screen grab from the old Windows “Ski Free” game.
That sounds like a big improvement ...
He is 100% A FEDORA BRO. I mean, I’m sure he’s a very nice person and all, but ... that sad beard, the musical choices (Game of Thrones theme, dude? really? I like the show too but come on) ...
Oh my god the Cramps would be amaaaaazing. Human Fly! Garbage Man! NAKED GIRL FALLING DOWN THE STAIRS!