
Yeah the game starts off hard but that’s by design. When first starting off you have such limited abilities that its better to run when Captains show up then to try and fight them outright. This difficulty also leads you to get your “nemesis”, that’s how I got mine: Nigghra, my best friend. If you keep at it though,

AM 100% in agreement. Unless its the kind of ridiculous where they know it, but act like its totally a serious thing, and just say all the stupid schlock with as much sincerity as they can muster.

Im not a meteorologist either, but I play one on the blogs... this movie is clearly fact based and 100% accurate. :/

Leave it to a galactic despot to use a port glass to drink champagne. I hope he dies quickly!

...Wait, does that mean Faith’s not REALLY a cat?

Also, Magneto having become what he hates the most - i.e. a fascist - is the very core of the character, and it has been for decades.

It’s almost like all the people that are pissed off about this don’t read comics, or are new to them, and missed the two or three times in Magneto’s past where he attempted to or

Indeed. Magneto survived a racial purist bent on the genocide of those he felt inferior to become...a racial purist bent on the genocide of those he feels are inferior. Magneto IS the Mutant Reich, and I’m fairly sure there exists a comic or two where he talks about his conflicted feelings on the issue. In the end,

A good twist is one you should be able to see coming if you pay attention. A twist that was impossible to guess from the set-up is not a twist, it’s an ass-pull.

But there was nothing “mind blowing” about it in my opinion. In fact you kind of make my point for me: it’s what everyone was expecting. Now I’m not saying it was bad, just that it wasn’t enough to sway anybody who had a problem with it in the first place.

No I think that Hydra isn’t currently and never has explicitly been an in universe arm of the Nazi party (except in the MCU.) I think that if Magneto is indeed being rewritten to work for Hydra it is because his mind is literally being rewritten by a cosmic cube to work for Hydra against his will, just like Captain

It’s a variant cover. Hell, there were tons of Venomized Variant Covers and none of those heroes got the Venom symbiote. Variant covers inherently have almost nothing at all to do with the story. Hell, I bet the instruction was “Draw some villains in Hydra uniforms” and the artist just chose Magneto.

That’s because they describe him as much, much older in both books. But I’m with you, I won’t complain. This show has me so freaking pumped.

Yep, ‘zactly.

Frequency is good if you like police procedural drama with a bit of an extra kick. They have the same kind of time wave “memories of two timeline” fuckery that Timeless has that Freq. uses to much better dramatic effect. Since there’s much less nerdy tech stuff, you get more narrative and character stuff. They do a

Or are you telling me that it fixing Simmons greatest regret that leads to her death? And how the hell is Skye greatest regret to have not stayed with Ward?

That is really good to know. I trust my daughter with mature content, but I don’t want her to get her hopes up for a fun monster movie, and end up with what I was getting from the trailers and posters. She, like me, can discern between fun and artistic statement, and we’re both looking for fun this time around.

I thought the Ghost Rider arc was the best the show had been in a long while (which only made it ‘decent tv’ in my book), but the LMD arc has been terrible (clearly trying very hard to hit certain emotional buttons even though they weren’t ever earned), and I’m not particularly interested in their version of the

Up until the last episode I might have argued with you but the LMD story line culminating in what I assume is going to be annoying “Its a wonderful life” style VR story sort of killed them

Thanks! My 10 year old daughter loved Jurassic Park and 2005 Kong and has been looking forward to this. Glad to know the Apocalypse Now stuff is muted.

He did hold the job and the congressman he worked for even vouched for his security clearance on the record. It’s crappily edited to try and insinuate that he’s lying because he “seems” too young for that type of position (he’s actually 30).