
Nah, they should get their ANH and Wrath of Khan viewing privileges revoked and be stuck with moldy old Flash Gordon serials from the 30's and and a copy of Moby Dick with half the pages ripped out.

Eragon being an extremely poorly executed rip off at that.

and given what Abrams absolutley HAD to accomplish with this movie, a retread was the best option in my opinion

Well its not the first time a loud and vocal minority tried to convince everyone else not to like something. They’ve already lost of course but they’ll just keep plugging away with their lame and transparent tantrums. They kind of remind me of the way Kylo handles failure. Funny.

And the fact is, apart from Han and Chewie, the characters from the original trilogy are BARELY in this movie at all. They’re not needed for the new characters: Rey, Finn and everyone else stand on their own.

Nah, people can see the difference. They just choose to ignore them and keep whining like a bunch of trekkies. Meanwhile, Disney is rolling on money and JJ can finally make a big screen, big budget Alias movie.

TFA basically comes down to being a soft reboot (to an extent), and a very necessary one, like you pointed out. Star Wars (outside of the EU stuff) had been almost irreparably damaged after the prequels, and they really needed to get back to their roots in order to get the fans and general audiences back. While they

I think it matters a LOT more where the series goes from here than what it this particular movie did. He had to repair the damage that was done to the brand by those godawful prequels, introduce new characters, AND give the fans what they wanted to reassure them that everything would be okay. TFA did all that, and as

If it was in the spirit of Dan Slott’s She-Hulk book, it could work. Just make it an insurance office instead of a law firm.

it is more the American sitcom format and budget that worries me.

Her dress has those grey lines on the side that are creating a bit of an optical illusion I think.

The Mortal Instruments series is some of the worst garbage I’ve ever read. I gave the first two books a shot thinking it would get better. Some ppl have to have time to settle into telling a story. Then I read the next two books, naively, thinking that there’s no way the story could get worse and she just kept up with

I read a couple of the books and they’re actually pretty bad.

Agreed. I think AoS will just be forbidden from even touching upon the characters and places the Inhuman movie is even remotely likely to use. That way there’s nothing really to retcon. Lash is (I think?) the only inhuman we’ve met so far that taken from comic books. I’m not counting Daisy, since Inhuman status has

My comment was just to add to Germain mentioning Glenn Close as when she was previously portrayed in live action but leaving out the more recent live action portrayal.

Uh, they already had the perfect Cruella...just make it a sidestory or something. #CruellaIsClose

But, yeah, Emma Stone can probably do “depraved canine skinner” well.

Have you seen Martha Marcy May Marlene and/or Sound of My Voice?

A “rule” supposes a norm, and exceptions are deviations of this norm. There is no norm in human sexualities, only an ensemble of possibilities. Is heterosexuality more common? Yes. But that doesn’t make it a rule. This ain’t regular and irregular verbs.

> First off, there is no such thing as “a rule” and “exceptions.”

Well, if you talk statistically, then heterosexuality definitely is the “rule” and homosexuality the “exception”. But then again, black/blonde hair are the “rule” and red hair are the “exception” and you don’t see people freaking out over THAT (well...

Any movie in theatres is competition for the other movies in theatres.

I’m with you. I recognize how good Supergirl is, but it’s usually among the last things on my DVR that I watch.