
oh, good catch! yeah, so they’re gonna just talk it out about mystery beard rather than, like, trying to find out who he is.

I don’t know much about computers, but can Lucius really fix a computer that was smashed by a hammer? Is that possible.

Nope. One of the hallmarks of a true cult is isolation. The only Christian denomination that is truly cult-like is Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Everyone seems to forget the gas canister to incapacitate the cops before they came in. Still, I agree they needed more Manix stooges to die as some cops in other parts of the station would have not been effected by the knockout gas. Should have been a longer gunfight to take the station, some cops should have escaped

Actually the “Computer” in question, let’s call it “The Bat Computer”, is actually an off the shelf rack mount server. The hard drives are hot swappable, and therefore Bruce could just buy a new server and swap in these hard drives and no repairs are/will be needed.

The show likes to slide back and forth in time, both in technology and in procedural behavior. We have a giant city with only one police station. We have cell phones *and* pay phones. The cars were all made in the sixties through eighties, but the computers all have flat screen monitors. The gaps in behavior and

You can recover data from hard drives that have been through quite a bit more than a good hammering. It doesn’t matter of Alfred smashes the motherboards and chips and things, a real expert can probably take the spinning disks out of the hard drives and recover most of the data from them. My friend that’s into servers

As long as the hard drives are undamaged, easily. They contain all the important data, all the other pieces of a computer just access them and display their contents to the user. If he busted the drives (which i dont think he did) the data can be recovered with modern technology, but it’s much harder. We both know

This show is such a great example of why you can’t give up on a good idea too early.

Well, it sure ain’t Scream. I thought his earlier comments might have been taken out of context, and he meant he was doing something that hadn’t been done before, like more of a horror sitcom, but no, it does seem like he was just unaware.

It’s the exact same transfer—those DVDs were directly from the masters they made for the THX-approved VHS and LaserDisc release. Thing is that while it looked impressive on a standard-def tube TV back in the day, they were well below the standards the average DVD had been meeting for years by then. (WELL below; I’ve

Saturday night, if you still get it, the over-the-air (and I just found out carried on TWC) RTV network’s Off Beat Cinema is showing Comedy of Terrors from 1963 with Vincent Price, Peter Lorre and Boris Karloff.

That is exactly what I am wondering. Wasn’t that supposed to be why blu-ray (and even dvd to some extent) was such an awesome format? Multple versions of the same movie, different sound tracks, different angles of the same scene. Of course hardly any of that ever happens, and the only reason I can think of is that

Minority Report didn’t warrant a second episode watching, for me. Scream Queens didn’t either - because, as you say, it’s far too over-the-top. It’s totally cartoonish - but not in every way, which might have been interesting, but only in some ways, which just disconnected me from caring about what was going on. I

Ive never heard the VHS was better, but I think they prints they used for that release, are what Lucas destroyed to make the SE.

Even that “original edition” you saw on the DVD is actually an early 90’s “limited edition” version of the original.

Well, they were available on DVD, just in an outdated, non anamorphic form.

Now playing

Plus, the legendary actual-take of Weaver doing the behind the back, one-handed swish with the basketball.

They definitely would have to repair the puppets if they used any originals. They were most likely made with friendly plastic, and that stuff isn’t designed to be long lasting. Museums with any Henson creations (especially Labyrinth and Dark Crystal characters) have had a hell of a time keeping them intact, because

I read the puppet tidbit on Making Star Wars but the line itself is a little unclear. The photos in the article show the original puppet (from the RotJ shoot) as well as a portion of the new Ackbar head so I can only assume that if they used the original at all it would have just been a starting point for the new