
Just want to put this out, as I hope Evans’s comments help reinforce the idea:

Even if Mr. Moraines doesn’t want to ‘be in the movie’ maybe they can convince him to do a voice over, be a person calling into get ghost service or a radio host, they could then just have him record a line over the phone.

I was being a bit tongue in cheek on that part considering the touring troupes and how many different times Les Mis and Phantom at the Opera have been on stage, or for that matter the millions of Rogers and Hammerstein musicals at different community and high school productions.

Technically wouldn’t they be slightly different remakes at every performance?

Nope, that’s me mucking it up. Still on Monday! Fixing that now, ta.

Hope he’s up front because he gonna be even more of a shit-heel this season! But, since I really want this to be the Phil and Melinda show, I’m a bit disconcerted by how “back row” she is in the promo materials so far.

Ray Comfort would have been so proud of that answer.
“If alien engineers didn’t create us, then why does this space banana fit so perfectly in the human hand? Riddle me that, Vickers!”

Fans have been saying the same thing about remakes and sequels for decades, not just years. The myth is that it’s somehow a recent trend for Hollywood to make sequels and remakes and adaptations rather than original stories, but the reality is that Hollywood has always relied heavily on remakes, adaptations, and

I loved that little bit of intellectual superiority he dropped in there:

“So ‘Prometheus 2’s’ not really gonna know the poem? I doubt you’ve ever been through it, have you?”

“It sounds intellectual...and that’s where it stops.”

I highly doubt that incident is in Ward’s personnel file, even with HYDRA. I interpreted that scene with Bobbi a little differently: she was outlining Ward’s general approach, which she could have deduced by being knowledgeable about abnormal psych, not trying to dish specific details.

IMO, there is no coming back from killing your dog. Nope, not having none of it!

Agreed. The redemption boat has sailed. I am curious to how he’ll fit in this season as promo materials keep him front and center.

It’s like Gordon, Loeb and the writers are ignoring that Gordon was on the way to ownership of Loeb over knowing about his murdering daughter.

Also - that’s a skull and a skeleton, not a freaking space suit!

I don’t know if they were Towle’s creations, but last month, I saw two conventions advertising having the ‘66 Batmobile, that same weekend, a friend went to a local car show and they had one there. I figured there were several “(Un?)Official” replicas making the rounds for cons, but a podunk town car show? that has to

Created an I09 account just so I could give you a fave, Collex. The dichotomy between the SJ in Alien and the Engineers is so jarring that it continues to irritate me to this day. The Engineers ARE NOT the same race as the SJ’s, no matter how much Scott wants to retcon them. (Hell, even the fossilized skeleton in