
It’s also the same basic set-up in Sleepy Hollow, too, but at least they shy away from the case-of-the-week part of the formula to some degree. I like to think that Lucifer will play up on a dynamic that was in the pilot - not so much the outsider/cop thing, but more that it’s a cop buddy show where one partner is the

YES! That drove me crazy. It happens and then it’s never addressed.

While I don’t necessarily that would have been successful, you could argue that the Captain America films are fairly successful in that general wheelhouse (WWII context instead of Western).

I don’t know about Canada, Australia or New Zealand, although I’d guess that it’s pretty famous there, but The Lone Ranger has massive name recognition in the UK. So you’re right about it having some name recognition in the English-speaking world, at least.

I would watch that movie.

Yeah, all the supernatural whatnot would have been alien to the Lone Ranger world - but you could do a movie where you introduce crazy shit like that AND still be true to the core of the concept: a Good Man (and his faithful companion) standing up against Bad Men. Make him a boy scout, the last good man in the room, a

Nice. That’s nice.

You’re snarkishly referring to 24, but there was a series a few years back a whole lot more like like Taken than 24 was - it was called “Missing”. A woman’s son was kidnapped and she resorts to a certain set of skills she learned while in the CIA to try and find him and get him back. It starred Ashley Judd. It was

From what I understand, it does sound more like just random little cameos, and not an actual appearance by them as their character. They’ve been pretty vocal about this being a total reboot, and not a continuation of the original films.

It looks like burlap. Like potato sacks.

100% agree. I tell people this is the best movie I can never watch again. I saw this with my brother before he went off for basic and we still talk about. This was one of those that sticks with you. When the crazy lady tries to sacrifice the boy a guy yelp out “Oh hell no!” and then when she was shot the entire

It stuck with me too, but more just because it’s so *daring*. I can’t recall another movie that damn bleak, and I adore it for that reason.

Just came in to agree with this comment... I’ve seen 1000s of movies and after reading the article title “The Mist” is the first and only movie to pop into my head with any force... Like, that ending is filed away in it’s own special place in my my brain. There are plenty of other movies out there with endings that

I think I hated it because it stuck with me for so the point where I hate this whole movie because it!


I remember seeing The Mist with a large group of friends in a packed theater, and the ending left everyone dead silent with their jaws on the floor. You coulda heard a pin drop, when the silence was finally broken by one of my friends uttering, "Fuuuck...", lol.

If she comes back from that thing in anyway wrong or superpowered, she probably won’t miss next time.

Beat me to it. My husband and I are old and jaded goths, and that ending bummed even US out. Big time.

Seeing it the first time it was all very intense, but really, why did they decide to do that? Those huge things outside could have been friendly for all they knew. I just feel like they could have tried to survive before taking the last resort action.

I was really hoping Simmons would do it (I was still really glad she tried/they remembered she promised to kill him). It would feel right for the scumbag to get assassinated by the geek instead of getting a glorious battle death against May/Skye/Mac/Bobbi/Lance.

Fuck yes. This tops them all.