
I’m looking forward to the Hellcat comic. Hopefully the art is good.

A lot of the China fight scenes where shot in Detroit. It was weird seeing the people mover (our public transit) in that movie.

The fourth movie... Oh the fourth movie. I live just outside Detroit. There is a scene during the Hong Kong segment of the film where they go from an urban Chinese city, turn a corner into... Downtown Detroit. The architecture in the background completely changes. It’s incredibly noticeable, especially to someone from

Yea, and was quite a departure from the Gotham from Batman Begins, which did a pretty decent job of making the city look like an amalgamation of several real life ones.

Toronto City Hall. Raccoon City, my ass.

Or they should have made him the new M.

Well, there’s no telling how true to the book the movie will be, but I read it last year during a “revisiting old classics” phase.

Look man! You can’t just do analysis of movies man! Then you will just see whatever your mind wants to man! You need to just sit back and enjoy the ride!

the skids are the landing gear, but I completely understand your view

Spalko basically voicing all the propaganda points of the Red Scare in her speech was a nice moment and so worked for the whole 50’s thing. It’s like people were expecting 30’s and 40’s pulp in what was obviously going to be a 1950’s homage from the moment Hound Dog kicks in and the bobbysoxers show up for a little

Aaaand... you are talking about “Things that should make sense” in a universe with space wizards.

Who knows besides Tatooine we never really saw what life under the Empire was like, at least under the original canon. I guess Star Wars: Rebels would be the first official view of that.

Probably an old one, sure.

Yeah, that was at the same time they were doing it with Thrawn. “Oh yeah, Palps sent Thrawn out to interdict the Vong, just he forgot to mention it when he came back to resupply.”

It’s usually an older one but they probably are using an earlier one either due to the fact the first film was in the ‘70s or the fact she’s just hit the record of longest reigning UK monarch.

I’m not sure if there was a single person who ever watched an Indiana Jones movie before who liked the movie

We have issues with hiding in a fridge during a nuke but zero issues with jumping out a plane on a life raft, then using said raft to slide down a mountain, to fall hundred more feet land on a river safe and sound. Indy fans sure a whiny.

I wonder if he was actually confused/scared by this terminology or she’s just lying to make it seem like he was, when in actuality she just flipped through his book & was immediately outraged. I can see either as an option.

I don't think the article made it seem like patenting TESTS was an issue at all. Just like you're saying, the author is questioning the ethics behind patenting naturally occurring things—stuff where there's no innovation involved.