
It is a big holiday week-end in the US, so I'm guessing we'll have to wait until later this week. 

I got it when the grandma got flustered about it, but I was completly lost when the bully kept calling her “Jason” -I thought it was a reference to Friday the 13th I wasn’t getting because yeah, no way I would have noticed, ever. 

What about Dan Akroyd's skull vodka? Can I buy that one? I think it would pair well with my Trump steak. 

I remember watching some local talk show once where a local celebrity admitted that she had a huge crush on her male cohost of a show she had made a few years past, and that they even went on a couple of dates, but that he ultimately turned her down.

Yeah, when I read that my reaction was a big "Duh!"

And if you absolutely want porn as a game, there are a ton of amateur or semi-amateur porn games that cost between nothing and “nothing, but pls support my patreon.”

At least The Royal Family has  cool historical shit you can visit. Trump has a few overpriced golf clubs and some tacky buildings with his name on it. 

It’s profitable because the 5$ discount incentivize purchase. By giving a customer a 5$ discount each month, you give that customer a reason to feel obligated to go in your store each month to buy something. And often that something will be worth way more than 5$.

This is a man who lied to vulnerable people to get them on plane and flyinh them away from his state, ruining their chance to be able to show up to their next immigration hearing in the process, to score publicity points.

Even if all Americans knew about what the PR flag looked like, big games like this employ tons of employee or subcontractors from all over, so there is no guarantee this error was made by an American. 

But she’s a sex worker who makes a lot of money, thus upsetting the social hierarchy. It’s the same reason mistresses have been portrayed as evil untrustworthy manipulator for centuries: men hate her because she has power over them, while women hate her because she’s not “playing by the rules”.

I feel like we are very close to saying more or less the same thing, but you seem to be too married to your anger to fully hear me. And as such I’m not sure what is your real position, and what is just you venting because you are angry. Which hey, no worries, this is an internet comment section, who care. But let me

You can tell a strong story with no thematic resonance whatsoever.”

A bit late, but I just started watching this show, saw your comment, and couldn’t help jump in because, well, I’ve studied this stuff for over a decade so I love talking about it. If you’d rather not discuss it further, just dismiss me, no harm, no foul.

As someone who was never a fan of CPM, I did enjoy this review, so thank you. It does exhibit a bit of CPM’s fatal flaw, which imo is that he always come into a work with a preconceived idea of shat he thinks the movie/show should be and judges it harshly if it deviates in any way from that idea. But here it is

Tge second one is league over the first one. The first one took itself dead seriously. The second knows its dealing with stars that are more memes than actors, and embraces it fully. And Van Damme is awesome as a villain named... Villain. 

Of the three, Cara Delavigne is by far the most fun to watch. She absolutely stole the show in Valerian. Not the greatest actress, but at leadt she has some presence. 

But Ghostbuster 2016 already has one of the Chrises!

Despite a few good ideas, Ghostbusters Answer the Call was ultimately a bad movie.

Afterlife has the same villain as the first one, the villain has the same minions and the same plan, and the entire third act of the movie is a remake of the third act of the first one, to the point of having the old cast say the same old jokes.