
Thanks for the article. I now know I can safely skip anything you write, as it will be full of misinformation. You know nothing of the people from this area, and it’s disgusting how you are trying to portray these heroes. Men & women who’ve taken time away from their family and jobs, using their own assets and

Now playing

Sounds like a genuine Cajun story teller.

How dare you leave your family and comfortable home behind and try to rescue people in need. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Seriously... assembling a large, volunteer force to rescue people is “for better and worse”, because a guy helping people dares to mention he heard gunfire... and right after that they crosspost an article telling journalists to stop shaming looters.

Well, that’s that. They better pack it up and go home. Damn them for trying to help and do good in this imperfect world.