
Actually, Cruz is desperate and NEEDS Trump to lose because a Trump admin may well close the uncertainty of foreign-born US citizens qualifying for prez (as it should). There’s an easy way of lumping it with the separate boiling issue of anchor babies and banishing both once and for all.


Get a whole desperate phone just for that Twitter account. Put it in a special case with an eagle on it. Refer to it as the Justice Phone.

The more the Trump campaign screws up like this, the more it looks like it’s on purpose.

My job is social media for a government agency. My predecessor had his personal accounts and the organization’s accounts all linked to the same Hootsuite feed. My jaw hit the floor on my first day at work as I got busy separating all that shit.

Seems extremely careless.

This is the justice department, not Burger King. I don’t see the point of tax dollars going to some shitty intern to type tweets for a government agency.

It also means the person is using their personal Twitter and government Twitter from the same device. Someone’s getting fired.

Why does Twitter again?

Man, you'd think if your job was social media for a Government agency you would really, really double check to make sure you weren't posting on that account.

Twitter is a social media app whose purpose is to disrupt the employment of its users.

Why does the justice department need a Twitter again?

There are only so many nonsense, feel good platitudes out there.

I think a best practice for that kind of job would be a complete separation of accounts by devices. Work phone, personal phone. The accounts don’t mix.

It’s nice to know that athletes getting into fights at Rick’s is just as much a tradition in EL as it is at the older brother Rick’s in Ann Arbor.

“He blew a .10 and had to stay in jail until he sobered up.”