Your point about "art no longer balances out the faults" is a really important one, and I like how you phrased it.
Your point about "art no longer balances out the faults" is a really important one, and I like how you phrased it.
I read that AMA and was disappointed. He refused to respond to any criticism-there were a lot of people asking about that piece of shit "Holy Terror" and he didn't respond once. Ugh.
Thank God. Now I feel less conflicted about being attracted to the dancing video.
"animate pile of leather necklaces Robin Thicke"
Exactly. I need to keep telling myself that and put it into practice.
I don't think those are entirely comparable situations. Changing one's hair color is one thing, but permanently altering things like eye shape and skin color to match a very Euro-centric ideal of beauty is in an entirely different ballgame.
True, lots of good points!
I have never understood the unwillingness of people that refuse to talk to other on a flight. I fly a lot, and over the years I've been lucky enough to talk to a grandmother about her travels in Ghana and Amsterdam, a woman from India who was moving to Dallas and didn't know what to expect, a soldier telling me about…
This. I'm in college and there have been a number of times when I've been distinctly uncomfortable with what was going on, but I was like "oh, I don't want to hurt his feelings" or "what if he gets angry?" Then I take a step back and realize that literally fearing anger (and possible violence) for rebuffing someone's…
Jesus, all of these comments about incest are nuts. To put it bluntly, she and her brother were not fucking, as far as we know. Stop acting like they were. Kissing one's brother might be kind of yucky, but it's a totally other ballgame from actual incest.
That's such an unfair reach. Adoption is an intensely personal and emotional decision, and if she felt an intense connection with Maddox (her son) it is "ass-backwards" to criticize her for it.
thank you for the link!!
Doesn't really change any of my points.
I could give you a laundry list of everything she has done, but I'm sure it would be met with "that was only for the cameras." Furthermore, she has given a public profile to international issues that would not otherwise receive the attention and concern they are now given. Finally, if you so choose to, you can read…
Apples and oranges. Consent vs. non-consent.
A) Kissing someone on the mouth hardly counts as incest. Comparing a consensual display of affection, however awkward and odd it may have been, to sexual assault is incredibly irresponsible.
please relax.
Why do people keep giving Lena Dunham these opportunities? They always end with cringing and eye rolling and 0 laughs.