
this has got to be a highlight of SGDQ 2016

There’s a Website for this, if you want to troll your co-workers.

Sometimes you just NEED a gallon of Dr. Pepper for 99 cents. To go.

Blame a minority?

No. The sky’s the limit as soon as homeschooling and the Bible entered the equation.

Reminds me of this quote.

Now playing

It sounds like you might not know what Genji does...

And yet he’s probably still like “Once you’re done mixing paint in my butthole, I’ve got word of another settlement that needs your help.”

Agreed, Warcraft 2 sets bigger stones in the lore and Warcraft 3 sets boulders. I’d like to see Arthas’ story in theaters.

*would of

“We don’t want your opinions, but here’s mine.” - Some Entitled Internet Fuck

“Also, ban guns”

Crocs are the preferred footwear in the movie Idiocracy.

Why are these school kids crossing the street in the red light district at 3 AM? SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!

The other flaw in the plan: dogs love burritos

If you can’t teach Windows 10, that’s on you not Microsoft.

I’m old, but you sound REALLY old.

Windows 10 is miles better than 7