
Apparently could not handle “Swiggity swooty I’m coming for that booty”.

Did it trouble YOU when you cast this game into the abyss?

I would kill for a remake/ polished for HD version of Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver.

In fact, you should generally not insert random anythings into your anything.

Mmm, yes.... Shallow and pedantic.

Yeah D3 on my XBone is fun as hell. I had gotten Torchlight on my 360, so had some basis for that gameplay and seeing that it would work alright too beforehand

I always wondered who decided that pindleskin should have the highest loot table, it seemed like a really weird decision, I scratched my head about it every single time i killed him lol

Oh man, totally forgot about Pindleskin! I haven't played Diablo II in so so long

Best thing for new content sure. But renders all the other old content useless.

People from single-parent households show as significantly more likely to identify themselves as victims and also more likely to have trouble reading, apparently?

What’s more nerve-racking for a drummer: the prospect of falling onto a bunch of metal spears, or ruining a very expensive drum set?

Strongly disagree. I fucking love Shanghai Noon. And the sequel, Shanghai Knights. Roy O’Bannon is probably Owen Wilson’s greatest character, besides Hansel.

I immediately went to Hugh Jackman in Swordfish over Neo. Now we just need a topless Halle Berry somewhere in the pics.

Caught a brief moment an NPC slid across the ground to get into cover. No recording was live though.

I think GMOs are perfectly safe, but what’s wrong with labeling them? Our food has 1000 labels on it already, and if people want to avoid GMOs for no good reason, that’s their choice. Just like everyone jumped onto the gluten-free bandwagon when only around 1% of people are even sensitive to gluten. Giving people too

My thoughts exactly.

That is what I noticed in a lot of the tournament’s. The commentators are just terribad...

Same that was super cringe to hear. I’m sure its hard to do but he should get better at it first.