

That’s not what I experienced at all, it was a complete 180 from before the update, all kinds of weird formations and truly alien looking worlds/creatures. Highly varied lifeforms in much greater numbers. I checked out about 8 or so systems too.

Since the Foundation update they are significantly more varied.

The Foundation gave it more purpose actually, by hiring workers for your base they give you objectives and then you get upgrades for those. The planets and wildlife are way more unique too, resources were reworked, etc.

Well that didn’t goat too well for Link ;)

Fairly large hands here as well, the joy-cons feel surprisingly comfortable.

I’ve been calling it an iPad since it’s a “tablet”. Then it gets those updates form the cloud lol.

I’ve been playing since beta, kind of expected. It’s a new game, you want new shit right?

“I’ve spent hours and hours in Breath of the Wild simply exploring, wandering around and experimenting and messing about and seeing what’s that over there, and what’s that over there? being lost

I think he means “You people”

I’ve always loved this

You fucking don’t!

He would know best right? lol

It’s not in the habitable zone

Lots of birthday money and cake.

I’m expecting kind of a Guardians of the Galaxy vibe

9/11 can confirm. So frustrating.

Oh hey random false dichotomy! Nice one o_O

Oh hey random false dichotomy! Nice one o_O

This isn’t a real list, there aren’t any Beyerdynamic headphones here.

This isn’t a real list, there aren’t any Beyerdynamic headphones here.

lol speedlore.