
XV has zero multiplayer though, those games aren’t even really comparable.

Sounds like you stopped playing before The Taken King was released.

They did. It’s called The Taken King.

That’s actually one of the few films that deserves a reboot. Though I did quite enjoy the SciFi miniseries

Damn Ocean, you scary


This is a really clean setup and I dig that vinyl collection. I just got that same chair for Christmas, lol. I also have that mouse, love it. 10/10 would get work done.

lul k

Regardless, the tracking was my biggest thing.

They finally have a tracking system that works well now and the better Pokemon aren’t as rare now. I saw 4 Charmanders, a couple Squirtles, and a Charmeleon the other day when checking in to see the updates. If you haven’t played since launch, I highly recommend giving it another shot. I stopped playing after the same

It caught me by complete surprise, I don’t remember it happening when Skyrim was first released and this blacksmith was pretty much my go-to the whole game because he had the most money. Then all of a sudden he’s undressing me with his dirty eyes. I’m not into dudes, guy lol.

Those other 2 commenters nailed it.

Now playing

Played this last night it was a lot of fun. Gotta love the calf and the tiny butcher pet lol. I feel this is appropriate.

It’s quite good, I got one of these for christmas. Nice little upgrade

It’s quite good, I got one of these for christmas. Nice little upgrade

Mara be praised. We have some of the ugliest Khajiit hybrids you’ve ever seen.

Now playing

Those Titanfall videos were really good, lot of really nice clips today. I forgot I was wearing Amulet of Mara and this surprised me lol

It’s the fragile egos that need constant validation. Meanwhile it’s just transportation, it’s not supposed to be a fashion statement, but it often is.

This is a really impressive build. Classy af

Have you tried the ZzzQuil? Sleep aid of NyQuil without the hit to your liver when you’re not sick. Works well

It’s a wireless router. It will support just about anything that can be connected with a network cable.