
Sounds like something Ash would do, pfft.

I’m white and I already know I look shady as fuck driving around neighborhoods and parking lots all slow and shit, darting from spot to spot with my girlfriend in the passenger seat lul. But I’m white so I’ll probably be fine.

Absolutely transfer it for the candy so you can use it to evolve the stronger Bulbasaur or whichever.

Damn it, Jesus!

Thank you for this! And if you hit Enter it blue screens lmao

Yup, myth. Turns out there’s a lot of those childhood things we learned that ended up being bullshit.

Does Mace Windu look like a bitch?

lol spot on

Yeah but was he inverted?

They didn’t want to, but they just jihad to do it.

Need the Wicked Witch flying monkey music

lmao well played.

I said the same thing, the Arthas story is badass

I’m in Florida, it’s been raining nearly every day since last week. But when it’s not, its 100 fuckall degrees out

The first time I saw him was in an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm where he does a magic trick and it pisses Larry off, it was hilarious. He was extremely talented, damn shame.

I had this concern from watching the trailers too, that it would just be kind of a LOTR clone, but I really enjoyed the movie. It actually had a lot of charm and fun moments that any real Warcraft fan should enjoy. The action was badass and the effects looked great. I highly recommend watching it and ignoring all the

Yes it is.

I really hope they allow you to play as Carnage, Venom, maybe even mutated Spidey as like modifiers. eeeek

Every time I read the name “Moon Knight”