
Yeah launch was hell. Now it’s flawless.

Now playing

These are fantastic. I’m so glad the Robot Underdog team met their fundraising goal to finish the next 2 episodes for the live action History of Trunks. The androids in the first episode are excellent.

That’s the tragic ‘red meat and footbawl’ Murican thinking that holds progress back unfortunately. Everything has to look “cool” to make egos feel happy before it can be adopted. It’s just stupid. I enjoy sports cars like the next guy but not everything has to be that.

Haha wrecked. “Get used to not having a head” Well played fellas.

Yeah, VPN can get around that.

You haven’t’ seen The Daily Show?

Someone better call Kenny Loggins!

I love when people arbitrarily draw a line where they think a movie is no longer realistic. It’s a movie. If you wan’t realism, go to work.

Lots of cocaine.

The GTA V cops shoot to kill no matter what star level.....almost just like real life.

Agreed, I’m really excited for this.

Now playing

Boba Fett doesn’t know what he’s doing either. Worst bounty hunter ever.

Tough, sometimes technology does that. Adapt.

That would be the Model 3. Coming soon. But no one will call you.

The illusion of “free market” is the real scam.

I’m torn on this because I’m definitely not a fan of the planned packaging into DLC in this way, however I really enjoy Destiny. I like the campaign & bounty stuff as well as the PvP, especially while playing with my friends. I’m particularly proud of them for actually listening to the complaints and updating the game

Yeah he’s really obnoxious and repeats the same thing over and over.

His plan went from 9-9-9 to 9-1-1.

Love the Dalek in the showroom at the end, lol

This is really interesting.