
Vladimir and the Putins!

No, they're only allowed to eat poor people phones.

Wait, am I the only one naked right now?

ELO Boosting? Like turning the radio up when Electric Light Orchestra comes on? That's not so bad.

No one wants to go to the Dakotas.

These were fantastic, lol. Job well done to Robert and the Pokemon kid.

If the turn based gameplay is gone then I'll be really interested in playing this because it looks fantastic.

You're supposed to shoot first, mace, then taze.

That's not a thing that happens.

Now playing

Great song. I still prefer the Pumpkins version

This picture put a smile on my face

All the other countries have inferior potassium.

Want people to buy something? Ban it

That's what bothers you? The knob?

Cue irrational Steve Jobs/Apple hatred while simultaneously vowing irrational other brand loyalty. Guys...must we keep doing this? You prefer something else..okay fine. Lets leave it at that shall we?

The Winchester?

Because apps.
