
Water we supposed to do about this?

I've liked all of them except Tokyo Drift...I can't handle that guy's shit kicker accent

Of course its called the X-Wing, lol. It's good to see that we have the right minds behind space's going to be interesting when we have full on working spaceship replicas.

The Battlefield Hardline Heists missions do seem alot like the GTA V Heists except that GTA is broken up into sections versus just the 10 minute Hardline Heists. And also Hardline is more like a PvP battle thats strictly 1st person, so there's some nuance.

over here..over here..

not limited to New Jersey.

Haha, you know whats up.

I loved this game. There was an F-Zero arcade machine at this local arcade that's no longer around (RIP) get in, buckle up and the seat moves as you turn and you can save your progress on one of those cards like Initial D. So much fun! I'll miss that arcade, fantastic chili dogs for .50 cents.

With New York as number 10..this makes me think this whole list is suspect now.

The correct answer is K-PAX.

The revolt has already started.

Right? You don't need that kind of negativity in your life

Right, I'm so glad my new heatsink had little lock clamps instead of the stupid plastic pins that break so easily

Lol, reminds me of a line from Something Something Something Dark Side "Is there someone from the military we can talk to? A man perhaps?"

Hah. Big shrimpin. Well done

Now playing

Aw. Me shouting at my screen "Hey! Leave him alone!"

I always kick the balls off the tower just for a good troll. My buddy hates it so much lmao.

Apple is refusing to comment. On a serious note...that's unfortunate. It's a shame to lose the few intelligent and creative people the world has.