
First CD since 2006 and that's what you choose? *sigh*

You're welcome.

It looks like some redneck shit on an Xbox.

Did you post an image? Because I can't see it.

Fun is a matter of preference. I play tons of different genres, I enjoy CoD as a traditional FPS. The multiplayer is always consistent, so its easy to pick up and be good at it (unless you just suck at FPS), it's competitive, the killstreaks are rewarding, and the campaign has depth. Minecraft is super popular but it

You dont have to tell me. Stupid people make the most noise.

It gets so much shit all of the time from kids who cant be bothered to actually enjoy games, it's nice to see it get some appreciation for once. The storys are there and the gameplay is solid, gamers just like the bandwagon.

This is an interesting video. Gotta give her credit on using Flight of the Conchords song though.

Now playing

That was one hell of an epic Titan Smash lol.

These are not normal reactions.

I'm glad Chex Quest is on here. Boy was that a treat.

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That's what I call them too, lol. I'm ole Greg! And the Vandals are Randals.

Anytime I hear old timey music now, I think of Fallout. I've been playing through the DLC of New Vegas lately to fight back my Fallout 4 craving. At least there's a massive amount of content to hold me over.

Mothafucka! Good reference.

There used to be a fantastic arcade place here in town with FZero and the best damn .50 cent chili dogs. You sit in the cockpit with a seatbelt and it moves around as you steer, it was awesome. It also allowed you to save your progress on a physical playing card like Initial D. My girlfriend and I went there strictly

Even if it is the gun equivalent of using the word "literally" to mean "figuratively," we're inundated with it.

Stay thirsty my friends


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I also made this yesterday in case anyone has trouble with the bounty.

Now playing

Wow, I really don't have the patience to solo the Vault like that. I prefer playing with my friends, its more fun. I just uploaded a new Crucible match where I got some pretty nasty Shoulder Charge kills with my Titan.