
Clever kill

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Both? I really enjoyed Borderlands 1 and 2, they were some of the funniest games I've ever played. While Destiny has similar features to Borderlands, its more of a serious style epic game like Halo (obviously). The thing with Borderlands though, I beat it and then I beat it on the harder difficulty but after that

The "I don't know what to do with my hands"

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Lol, that glide to center court. Here's a quick clip of my buddys character doing the Running Man while timing out, I thought it was pretty funny

"Multiply that across thousands of homes, and that's taking off a big load on the electrical grid."

Lol. I dunno, it just felt right at the time.

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Lmao. The commentary on LoL "LOUD NOISES!" That knee to the Ogre dick was pretty nasty, well done. Uploaded this one yesterday where I get a 4 piece and then shutdown a Bladedancer with a punch to the face.

As a longtime fan of Transformers, I've thoroughly enjoyed all of them, especially 4. Its a shame you let other people influence your decision to not see a movie. See it yourself and made up your own mind. Casey seems like a movie snob.

Maybe it's that you're the problem. I thought this movie was a lot of fun, as were the others. What's the complaint? It was funny, obviously lots of eye candy action, & robots tearing apart other robots. Optimus Prime riding a Dinobot. Your argument is invalid. Next week, faux Star Wars "fans" bitch about how much

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Here's my latest Destiny gameplay, got a nasty 4 piece and shut down a Bladedancer.

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That's interesting. I found this random glitch where the monsters healed instantly.

Yeah once the servers are back up, lol.

Oh man, yeah it's really good. Next time you see it, jump on it. Theres a bunch of other good Legendary ones too though.

I completely agree. L4D had excellent matchmaking. And if I have only 2 of my friends on, why shouldn't we be able to have matchmaking to fill up the team? Seems silly.

Sure is. It's great on those bigger maps, especially now that it's upgraded with the hair trigger perk.

Haha. Gawwd damnit. Figures. That's alright, I'm sure he'll have it again. He had the same Sunbreaker Hunter gauntlets as last week which was surprising.'s awesome :P

Lol. Nailed it.

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At 5:45 I punch 2 guy's off of their Sparrows. Titan Defender is a beast.

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Those are all great suggestions. I said Sparrow races and Ship battles from day one of Beta. Those ships are really cool and its a great use of a loading screen, but that's all they do right now, just aesthetics. Also, word is Bungie is having "conversations" about Raid matchmaking. Whats the conversation? Just do it.