
Eh. The ending of Season 2 is great, but Season 2 also has some truly bad episodes like Inca Mummy Girl, Reptile Boy, Bad Eggs, Ted, Go Fish. As a whole, it's good. I think either Season 3 or 5 is the most consistently good. I also think Season 3 and 5 had more interesting and captivating Big Bads, and stronger

So essentially the criticism, and the low grade, is because Rachel and Quinn were terrible people this episode?

I haven't really seen/known him in anything other than Parks & Recreation but Practice Date is one of my all time favourite episodes. My friend and I regularly text each other "Whales. Parades. Electricity." whenever we go on first dates. I was genuinely crushed when I read this.

Perhaps because in the case of at least Seinfeld, Curb, and 30 Rock, they all exist in a heightened reality, especially the latter. Those three often stretched the limits of plausibility to enhance comic sensibilities. It didn't necessarily reflect real life. Veep does this as well, to a degree, certainly not as much

Oh right. I forgot about that little detail on the second example. My bad. Still, I loved that the show was unafraid to demonstrate Alicia as somewhat entitled and perhaps having unintentional racism with the first example.

Fair enough. What I meant more, and what I don't think I necessarily got across, was that it felt pandering to the audience, and I think it had to do with the fact that both of these are pastors we have seen before. It just seemed like a reminder from the creators that "yes we have black characters, remember these

I did dislike that they trotted out the two pastors from the previous seasons as if to say, as Kayla pointed in the review, "Look, we have black people!" It's pandering. The show is way more brave when it actually addresses the fact that Alicia in her privilege does have undercurrents and unintentional racism, such as