
It’s weird. It’s almost like they were more concerned about making themselves rich by producing a movie that all those rich white people would pay money to see than satisfying your desire to see a portrayal of diversity.

If it could be programmed to make pictures, that would be ok. I imagine a Jesus setting would be popular.

I have one of these. The only disadvantage, is , if you forget your toast, it burns your house down.

He should show up and KILL the white people instead! That would be really “progressive”!

Morgan Freeman shows up to help white people in EVERY movie hes in.

Even Morgan Freeman’s God in the Almighty movies only shows up to help the white mortals he’s granted omnipotence to.

Only white folks are stupid enough to believe in the spiritual power of interpretive dance

Of course the racist white folk who whine about this piece can’t see that the vast majority of promoted shows about spirituality contain little to no people of color.

LeeLoo Dallas Multipass.

It all goes back to Metropolis, which likely inspired a ton of genre tropes in the '30s.