Colin Wheeler

These devices were tested in the UK a while back. If the UK government has implemented them, who knows. Don't worry about the technology. Worry about how you as the citizens allow your government to treat you. Government for the people, by the people?

I agree, not cool.

Actually race is based not on your country of origin but rather on your genetic background, so it was not a racist comment.

Still does not even come close to ever making me even want to considder buying an Apple.

I have a better idea. Perhaps instead of painting governments in the light of their propaganda, why doesn't somebody justify the U.S.A. annual defence budget and explain to me the ethics that are used to drive such a massive percentage of Federal resources being used to go out and massacre and murder people around the

Open minded? Open minded? Just grow anything and I have no idea why we need to grow just hemp. Grow cannabis as well. Grow whatever you like but don't push one over another. That is being open minded as per my post. Trees have their use, hemp has its use, cannabis has its use, grass has its use, wheat has its

Caveat emptor, and clearly ANYBODY buying on this basis should also invest some of their money into Credit Derivatives as well. Perhaps we can have a bracelet inspired credit crunch. Seriously though, people need to think or starve. Gone are the days where we should spend so much time, effort and money on

Oh for the love of sanity and the hate of bullshit, grow whatever grows, it all traps carbon, trees I am sure better than hemp over the long term. Grow and stop breeding so much. And stop bitching and complaining <\RANT>

Just a point, it has existed since the start of the universe... We just did not know about it.

I am in agreement. Physical storage on removable storage is dead soon except as a transitional device. Cloud is the way forward for permanent storage. I don't even see the HDD or SSD in my devices as anything except deeply transitional storage in today's world.

Could some administrator or moderator please remove this hate filled, bigoted, racist comment above please.

Good heavens, you are right.

Greenskye, and that is indeed the problem. For a country like the U.S.A. to constantly go around the world claiming to be the world policeman and then not make itself accountable to the world court. There are some very questionable ethics involved in that.


What is this "DVD" technology you speak about? Physical disks, how quaint.

Very few if any modern currency coins contain any gold. The composition of currency coins is very well understood. The make up of the amounts of different denomonations of those coins is very well understood and documented. How challenging could it be?

This is not acceptable to the international community. From now on I will be prefixing United States of America with murderers! Admitting to it I hope will lead the rest of the world to demand a stop to this behaviour and a serious review of this by the ICC looking to prosecute leaders of the U.S.A.

Sorry, but that assumes that the coins are gold. Most of the comics I remember had bills with $ signs on them so it could be assumed that the coins were normal currency. I feel that would require a significant recalculation that would put money swimming in the reach of quite a few of the world's richest.

When media companies, actors, artists and musicians stop being so much more hideously wealthy than the rest of people. The model of paying for intellectual property is broken. It is time for these folks to realise that IP should not be protected from personal use and that they need to stop exploiting and start

Up yours, you narrow minded berk! (Sorry, I tried for a while to come up with some good responces but this bigoted idiot does not deserve any.)