Colin Wheeler

Yes, just you.

Definitly has a mic, I can send a photo of it. Attached to the cord, works great.

How is singluarity a "fiction"? Should you have not offered "more efficient energy" as a fiction as well or perhaps "improvments in efficiency". Singularity is fairly easily trendable just with Moore's law.

+1, hear hear.

I think you will find that wine is a suspension and just complex substance rather than just a homogenous liquid.

Sennheiser HD 238i. Wired perfection for a very reasonable price. I use it for all of these duties now.

OMFG!!! Great, processed wine. I would hate to even think what that does to all of the complex molecules and chains involved in wine. Barbarians.

Sizzlingly funny my good man.

Big difference between abusers and addicts.

Slightly more salt in my diet helps when I am getting cramps. I throw a little extra white stuff onto my steak or eggs or whatever will taste best with a little and the cramps tend to go away. I am pretty sure as a limited experiment, a little extra salt can't harm you, so give it a try.

Yes, indeed, hence degrees Celsius being so popular around the world. Who uses Fahrenheit anymore anyway? What a silly measure. Kelvin, I can understand it's use in the scientific community but outside you may be labled as a bit of geek claiming that 303K is a plesant summer afternoon.

Here in Switzerland, the general feeling about this is very balanced but quite firm.

And comment spaces exist for people to express opinions.

Indeed, thank the shiny gods for small mercies.

Sorry, I know you must be from some country where there is as in the U.S.A. no understanding of irony (Us English often refer to that as humour) and where there are some strange rules about Best of luck with your rules! (Btw, unless you actually mean you love me, the English slang would be luv),

Bah freaking humbug!!!! Why go to Mars, why paint the Mona Lisa, why build amazing watches, why build cool tourist trains, why have fun, why try to do amazing things? Go back to the freaking swamp, some of like doing the amazing!!! It is called progress!

You cannot prove that I read the article and in fact did not but your assumption only lends weight to my ironic and I had hoped humours comment.

Hey Dagwud, that is cool, but as I learned from many years of working in technology, it is best to use the language that the majority are going to understand when communicating an idea.

Yes, of course, all car fatalities are caused by pure chance and risk taking does not enter into the equation. Pfffft, if all I will say. :-)

Does the new iPad .......