Colin Wheeler

@Odin: Actually, I am entitled to receive TV and radio signals in the UK....or am I missing a point here? I mean, that what was in the law as far as I understand it.

@synchronicityii: I would say that the chances are not good. Licensing of that sort of event proclude this sort of distribution. iPlayer only has a limited sub-set of all the content that they carry.

@kejoxen: Only if they got full access to all the content I suspect, not the limited access offered by iPlayer.

@Odin: Um, you guys? I may be resident in the "frustrating alpine democracy" but I did actually pay a full year of UK TV license before I left so imagine how frustrating it is that I can't access that programming that I paid for!

Typical idiots that can't just release the IP restrictions that they currently have on the perfectly good web client, they first have to get into bed with Steve.

I like a man who puts a lot of effort into an intelligent revenge. This guy deserves a medal!

Bloody hell, I sure am glad it was not those naughty naughty Hindus or Occultists that used the hexagram ([] as a dirty joke on Iran to push some religeous nuttery!

@alex-y: Well hell, honestly though, if everybody stops breeding, perhaps I can live forever, or do other people really think that thier children are more important than me?

@Conrad Martin: Good, another one of those well backed up, excellently phrased arguments.....sigh. Trouncing how? Market share?

I have never used anything other than Internet Explorer. As an IT professional it made sense to use what my end clients are using.

@petarro: Debian, real? Like most trolls your proof just astounds me! I am really shocked by your amazing powers of argument and logic and your uncanny way to bring me around to your way of thinking. Yes, let me get rid of all my Windows OS base and go Debian. Whew, my life is so much better now that I have joined

@Dr Emilio Lizardo: They could have spent their time more productivley bringing a new reality television show to American television?

@FreudianNipSlip: Oh, and X Factor, Big Brother and most other "reality TV" is a real good use of time? What do you think the average Westerner spends more time on, phychology (even be it a fairly shakey one) or reality TV and which do you think they should spend more time on?

@ManchuCandidate: I figure that falls under bonding behaviour. I mean if ones's partner can put up with that then he/she should think about that partner as a real keeper.

@DrLight: Well there is definitely inequality. Religion gets to conduct all of its business tax free. Science does not. At least give science, which saves more lives than religion, some breaks. I don’t understand why everybody is so defensive of religion but the second science looks at something like atomic

Never too late to start! But trust me, older, dumber and slower only kick in at around 38.

I don't know, I always feel that something like "Sorry, I screwed up...I am not going to say anything more than to ask you to judge me not by my screw-ups, but by my future actions...and then if I screw up again, you can really throw the book at me." is a little more sincere than loads of talk about how terrible you

@xxdesmus: I use clocks, weather, CPU and memory and the currency converter as I am travelling all of the time. I don't think I have ever found a third party one that I really enjoyed but the basic Windows ones do it for me.

Syndrome from The Incredibles

With the way that my brain works it makes it very difficult to remember people's names, especially when I am being introduced to more than 5 at a time. To combat this, I simply apologise. I have never met anybody except one complete (insert any deeply insulting word) who said that he thought I was lazy or stupid