Colin Wheeler

The phrase European socialism pretty much destroyed my interest in this article. Perhaps it is time for Americans to realise that they cannot generalise about Europe in this sort of way. Some of the cultures in Europe are far more capitalistic in some ways than the U.S.A. but one generally finds much more balance in

The only reason that I am going to comment on this is to put forward my first rule, which is never care what the critics say.

@mullingitover: Hmmmm, yes, I am sure that Steve B. is panicking because you have not spoken to any real people who have any interest in Windows Phone 7. Remember that corporate and executive interest drove the smart phone market initially and whatever type of phone you currently fanboy over should thank those first

@Dancing Milkcarton: Yes, yes, each year open source is going to rule the world.....yawn. Probably only sandal-wearing, bearded-hippies that care anyway. You could get a life you know.

Yup, this sucks that it is free only to people who have an internet termination and an address in the USA. There is something wrong with the way the media companies are dealing with us....