Colin Leavitt

No, because it doesn’t work. The claims are bullshit because they’re impossible; the physics of dropping a piece of iron from 30,000 feet doesn’t allow for any kind of real accuracy, no matter how precisely timed the drop was. And the Russian propaganda is claiming that they’re just as accurate as western precision

In college we lived in an area that had lake effect snow every year, so getting several feet was not uncommon. What we did find out though, is that if you tip the plow truck driver $5 for our apartment complex, he’ll plow your friends car in with snow 3 feet high without hesitation. Still the best $5 I’ve ever spent.

Kenny Loggins, light shows, and airplanes don't mix well. Put them in the same vicinity and it's sure to be an un-safe zone. No no...a danger area. Or maybe the interstate of hazardous sectors.

I can’t see anyone getting killed from this idea.

Andrew, Torchinsky stole your password and is posting in your name.

yeah coordinated, F-117s tomorrow : )

Pretty much remove everything before flight.

“Meals Rejected by Everyone”

Well yeah, but if your GPS is broke, good luck finding said line while bobbing around in a itty bitty boat. It’s not like a river or the DMZ where the imaginary line is obvious to all.

How would Fox News respond to this? ‘Hoo-rah these Murican patriot heroes saved our citizens from the evil Islamists yet again. Build a statue to these patriots!’”

Everyone seems to agree that these boats inadvertently drifted into Iranian waters.

Armored vehicle: Something something militarization of police rabble rabble.

East bound and....... stopped.

Like I said yesterday, I just knew some would be legitimately disappointed that the sailors were returned without real incident.

And every word he said was correct. Especially the second sentence. This is grown-ups conducting foreign policy, not petulant children with no experience fucking everything up for the sake of macho posturing.

You mean the humiliation of allowing US navy vessels to run out of gas/break down/get lost? Not sure that’s a reason to start a war with the Iranians...

Or for a more apt example, if a Cuban Navy vessel drifted close to the Florida Keys.

Trump would have nuked Tehran

I’m not sure you understand how diplomacy works...