Colin Leavitt

I like it but the beaver doesn’t.

We have 9 nuclear powered islands we can put wherever we want. Whenever we want.

The only thing more American than an F-150 is blowing up an F-150 with increasingly large guns!

I’m a scientist, so I constantly have to convert back and forth between the metric system and freedom units.

But cc’s are the metric system.
Is you european communist?

“Wow, what is in that cup?” Anderson asked quietly.

The sole use of these planes is to move around the supercars of the 5000 Saudi 'Princes' and to help them evacuate their gaudy shoe collections and cologne reserves out of countries for recklessly speeding through rich neighborhoods and running stop signs, running drugs, or raping a teenager and claiming you

Send in the lumberjacks!

3 Rules of SOF:

Saw these photos floating around early in the week sans blurred faces. Opsec completely blown. Had a good laugh at their Totally-Not-Military-Civilian-Attire™

Then get off of Foxtrot Alpha.

No one required you to click on the post... just you know scroll down

Noted. Don’t click on political articles in the future. Everybody wins.

Terrorists: Hate decadent west...buys American.

Looks like that dealership is going to be in Super Doody.

but i mean obviously you’d have sex here.

You’re a terrible person

Ok. We are done here. Lets all go home.

Mmm, these donuts are so light and airy

The Central Intelligence Agency does not own any helicopters matching those in the photographs, but they are exactly the type of helicopter with exactly the type of markings the Central Intelligence Agency would own and operate if it did, which it does not. Now go about your day citizen, we checked your organizer and