There is no reason to Run Windows 8 or 8.1 Windows 10 is better in every way, and so almost nobody runs Windows 8. Windows 8 should have auto-updated to Win10 for Everyone who hasn’t gone to great lengths to try and keep 8 for some bizarre reason.
There is no reason to Run Windows 8 or 8.1 Windows 10 is better in every way, and so almost nobody runs Windows 8. Windows 8 should have auto-updated to Win10 for Everyone who hasn’t gone to great lengths to try and keep 8 for some bizarre reason.
What do we think Steve Ballmer would have been selling had he never been hired by Microsoft? Basketballs or Lip Balm?
There has never been a microSD card slot on a google device that I can think of. Google doesn’t think you need them.
The phone jack I agree with you on. I use BT headphones, but when I go to the gym, i prefer cabled ones. I know you can use the adapter, but I just hate that.
It’s a “contrail” you fucking mouthbreather.
Wow. Both people in omak saw it!
Oh no, so if people like sex, they’re a whore?
What are you, Amish?
Read first sentence of your comment. Flagged it.
Dialogue of first 20 seconds:
Awwww. Do you not like it when women don’t follow the rules that you think they should live by? I mean, how dare they not conform to your ideal of how they should act.