Colin Burns

That's about the same thing as before. So why quote it?

You said you followed what I wrote but we're lost with the discussion. Which is to say I understand what you said (to establish credibility for the next statement ), but you are wrong. This last post just got to me. Walk me through your logic like I have for you, don't just tell me I'm wrong. There are impressionable

Lol alright I had you figured wrong. Shouldn't have wasted the effort.

You're right. I usually don't go after women who are larger than me for the same logic. It's almost like the chicken or the egg, since these tastes of society exist through generation after generation and we all play a part in them existing in a reciprocal way.

Overweight guys definitely make up a large chunk of nerds, geeks, techies, or whatever you we call the group that is pushing boundaries of technology and making people's lives better. We owe them a shout out too you are right!

There are a lot of factors people don't even think about or ignore. I'm just saying why I think things are the way they are now. I'm pointing out why there isn't a mirrored image for underweight men and overweight girls. You pointed out that men have to deal with the sexual/relationship aspect but not the societal

I think you're right. I mean I'm skinny too, that's why I wanted to post this. There's just a lot of misinformation in this debates and not a lot of deep thinking. I just think men are not so emotionally affected by it which lets us focus our young development on becoming a person who has value in society. Women have

In society, an underweight guy is similar to an overweight girl. It's never been as popular in debate as the body image of an overweight woman. I think this is because underweight men focus on becoming smart enough and successful enough that it no longer matters as far as relationships go. These people are what we