
Stan Lee's looking great.

God damn it Vanessa you god damn bitch!

Absolutely! That song's pretty fitting.




She wasn't made for company.

The 'war' is for the throne of God that Amun/ Lucifer seeks. I took it from the finale that she understood she walks alone (from love and God) and that she is now nemesis to Amun as opposed to victim.

Lyle's in London still. Protectress of the Realm.

Which witch is which?

Lady Gaga.. oh wait, wrong show.

This thread has made an old man in a beautiful young mans body extremely happy.

Jew Only Live, Lyle.

"Should we wander the pastures and recite your fucking poetry to the fucking cows?"

The trip to Africa might also result in an episode I've long since hoped for:

Welcome to Catholicism.

How unfortunate! I enjoy using it irl for just that kind of confusion it causes.

Also: Poole deserved better, I was genuinely looking forward to her transformation into some kind of Uber Night Walker but alas, her quick and effortless dispatch is often the fate of interesting female villains (and so often is vanity thier downfall).

Penny Dreadful season 2: Sprawling, seductive and catholic (both small 'c' and capital).

I believe the the Victorian version of AA is the grave.