
I, as a man, say sexist shit. I comment on women’s weight, dress, and say stupid shit because I was taught - indirectly and directly - the wrong thing. Should she her job over being ignorant? I don’t think so. I didn’t lose my job over the things I said after I apologized and realized what I said. If she were really

Am I being paranoid, or does anyone else suspect this decision was already made, but they held the play until they thought they really needed to move the news cycle off several things at once? Given the apparent Russian assassination attempt in Britain, the tariff stuff, DeVos, school shootings and gun regulation,

In New England where I grew up, there are plenty of Catholic schools that aren’t really that religious. Many non-religious families would use the private parochial schools as an alternative to the town/city’s public schools.

 I’d count holding a teaching degree in a subject as proof of an ability to “do” said subject.

Exactly. She’s just as much as fault here for making their interaction so awkward.

yeah i’m not making excuses for him, but i bet if she had said “what does #timesup mean to you?” it would’ve gone more eloquently.

Aaaaaand here it is, I was waiting for the inevitable article targeting a specific man for his response. And despite the fact that he may have been adequately prepared to discuss it, we’re just not going to mention how Spencer going “Time’s Up on....what?” like he’s three years old may have thrown him off?

They say something, you write a scathing takedown of their inadequate responses.

That’s what I’ve been thinking. The movie format just isn’t made for this kind of story...sure it worked for Harry Potter but that series isn’t even close to as dense as TDK. TDK needs a modern format TV series.

Hell, they’re already doing it with CHIP. Passed the tax bill, and then I think Ryan or one of those other soulless fucks, is yelling about how “we don’t have the money” to pay for CHIP. You know, I have an idea for how we can get the money...

Not just evil rich people, being Republican is enough. They do this to emergency responders all the time at local levels, too. You get shit like the Post and other tabloids publishing “horrifying” accounts of firefighters and EMTs and cops being paid “outrageous” salaries when overtime is included — and never mention

Do you have a radar on whether they’ll be able to enforce it this time? This is so far beyond the pale that I can only hope these employees will also be able to tell FEMA to fuck off and it will unbelievably awful.

So the plan is that everyone that works for FEMA quits because no one can afford this. FEMA is eliminated because no one can afford to work for FEMA. And then at the next 10 hurricanes we get, everybody dies. Good job, Republicans at Making America the Worst Fucking Place to Live and Work.. MATWFPTLAW is probably too

FEMA tried to do this to us (disaster assistance employees) after Katrina, too. We told them hell no and they left us alone. But they were in shambles at the time and didn’t have the bandwidth to enforce the law.

On the list of things adults can do with their neighbors, just for fun, practicing cheers for a yet-to-open high school comes in about 20 places behind, “orgy” and only slightly ahead of, “murdering them.”

It will rise again...just give it like 20 minutes.

Hollywood IS a shallow, amoral, and opportunistic place! But why do you default to “the accusers are opportunistically lying” and not “the accused were opportunistically commiting sexual harassment, assault, and rape”? I mean, the accused have all been rich, powerful men, with lots of opportunities to do bad things

Any time I hear the “don’t bring politics to work” argument, I’m reminded of how not so long ago it was 100% in vogue for conservatives to LOVE that sort of thing...

Oy vey, what a chutzpah this guy is. If Eli Manning had “jew luck”, do you really think he’d be such a shlemiel? This meshugener is full of bubke; Eli’s a goy if I ever saw one.

When my daughter was 2, she refused to let me use wet wipes to clean her after she pooped, and insisted on being wiped with a shred of an American flag which had been moistened with tears shed by decent upstanding citizens at the moral decay our society has been experiencing since, oh, about September 22nd, 1862. But