
Yeah that ain’t happening seeing as how her partner is a woman old enough to be her mother. But hey, your joke is funny anyway!

Mr. Robot also did something similar last year. They had an entire ending already filmed and then the on-air murders of the newscaster and her camera man happened, which was apparently strikingly similar to their ending. Thus they filmed a new ending. Glad shows do this.

It’s because they don’t just repair, they also replace.

Yeah I was being nice. I should’ve written less than average.

Because most racist fucks are of average intelligence and raised by other racist fucks. They believe everything they’re told by all racist fucks because choosing to take the initiative to educate themselves is far scarier than choosing to remain ignorant. I’d choose scary and learning over complacent and ignorant any

My 11 year old white daughter’s best friend happens to be an 11 year old black male. We often drop him off after school because they like telling us about their day. My mother is 72 and I’m 41 and we’re both still surprised by the looks we get when they jump in the car together. You can see some people trying to

Thank you for the information. I’ve never heard about this piece of history. I can’t imagine what it’s like to be a minority in terms of ethnicity in our country with this administration. My 72 year old mother has said how sad it is to see our country backpedaling.

I’m white and it’s ridiculous white people are so angry about this. Things are more difficult for ethnicities other than Caucasian, plain and simple. Not sure why it’s impossible for some white people to see this. Similar to those who complained that the movie Get Out was racist towards white people even though black

That mother is even more at fault in my opinion. I used to be the Foster Care & Adoption Manager for this district. Even though we may have gone after the parents equally, parents generally spend little time in jail for these abuse crimes. And neglect cases like this even more so. You see a fairly high number of these

As a white person, I cannot stand that word much like the derogatory word used against gay people. As an Italian I might jokingly say to my Mom Dago or WOP. But that’s way different than someone calling us a greasy DAGO. Many cultures and ethnicities have some terms that they utilize in a joking manner that can be

I believe this cartoonist can update this!

I in no way think that black people should be thankful or grateful to us white people for giving them freedom they should have already had. But I also don’t think black people should hold it against white people either. My family is only a couple generations old here and had no hand in slavery in their countries or

Ohhh Rachel, I like you!

Okay but what I really want to know is will he be held responsible for any legal fees she’s accrued because he’s an idiot?!