Colette Wheeless

Coming in late, but also chiming in that you should watch Frasier all the way through. There's definitely a dip in quality after the end of S7, but the last season (11) ends the series on a high note and makes it worth it. Plus I wouldn't say the S8-S10 episodes are awful or anything, just not as good as the early

Literally the only other property that has the Batman/Batgirl relationship is the universe created by "Batman: The Animated Series," which continues on into Batman Beyond and several of the animated Batman movies of that era. It's worth noting that that universe was partly created by Bruce Timm. I'm thinking this is

I am extremely bothered by that weird M-shaped cowlick thing on Buttercup's new design. What is that? o.O That's honestly the only change I can't get behind. Changing the cast … it's okay. It's been a long time and if it's a reboot I would kind of want different voices anyway. If they're keeping the villian voices,