Cole Spivey

So, you have a problem. Look there is a difference in enjoying drugs, smoking etc. And. Being unable to resit and threatening violence, good luck? Or idk just don't kill someone because they are trying to help ya

…look I'm 26 I have friend that are in there 30s and can't run a 100 yards without hacking up a lung. What is your point?

Thank you, seriously the first time in a while I've actually read something online that didn't seem like bullshit in a comment feed. Thank you.

No, you are goign to die, so am I, it happens, no one is saying that if you don't smoke cigs your NOT going to die a horribly painful death, it's just more likely. Man, I'm a smoker, it sucks because everyone I smoke I know is bad for me, I literally know that it is gonig to kill me one day if I don't stop. I