Cole Pram

Wow, that is seriously deep and extremely insightful.

It's not a problem for MOST people, it is a problem for some very VOCAL people. Both those that are over sensitive and those that are intentional a-holes, and some people that are both.

I think the point is using SWATing as an argument against people who believe in free speech is disingenuous. Seriously I see it used daily to connect "Someone hurt my feelings" with "Someone is legitimately breaking the law"

Why would you lube up the 4' x 4'?

This is an insightful question, but the issue boils down to people seeing "SJW" types as not just complaining about people offending them. They're bullying, threatening, shaming and harassing (sometimes with real world violence and vandalism) others into complying.

See this "why it's almost as if they needed each other" right here is what I don't think people get. The always focus on how the male lead is "strong", but completely dismiss the fact there would be no story and likely the male lead wouldn't have survived without someone helping him.… is over 50,000 subscribers now and still climbing, It's also one of the most active subs on Reddit. There's also Voat, Facebook groups, G+, and various smaller forum communities aside from Twitter and reddit. I follow over 3,000 people on twitter and over over 3,000 following me, so blows

You think you're just mocking him, but you guys all look like entitled arseholes.

While you certainly rustled some jimmies. Amazing how one stupid comment can set people off.