
How about this one instead?

This show is a horrible disappointment on so many levels, but Lucifer’s inappropriate and uncomfortable interactions with Trixy are hilarious.

Right but just to be clear. Lucifer is REALLY FUCKING SEXY in this show. Like. really really really sexy.

He is actually great in this role. It’s a shame they steered so far away from its source material in order to force another GD procedural down our throats.

Oliver: “Jeez Barry, this Earth sure is awfully bright!”

Oliver, I think, would spontaneously combust from all the sweetness and light.

The things I do for you people. :P

Opens article.

Agreed. Fuck all this millenial bullshit. Get a job. Wait, that is his job. And it pays fucking awesome. Groan, I’m going to go jump off a bridge now.

To be fair, watching stuff like this will make you feel old beyond your years. This must have been how my father felt when I tried to teach him how to play Nintendo.

I’m 36. and this is the first time i’ve ever heard of pew-die-pie. WTF kind of nick name is that? Also i’m so sick of Fake-reality-shows. Get off my lawn!

People didn’t like the Leia miniseries? I thought it was good.

I have no idea of the context, but please, please let either Ian McKellen or Michael Fassbender have a moment like this in the movie. Damn.

The thing with Inspector Spacetime is that you can tell the people writing those episodes are people who know and like Doctor Who, and are poking loving fun at it in ways that Who-fans will understand and appreciate. TBBT though? Their jokes don’t generally go much farther than name-dropping. It’s tough to balance the

Community was written by nerds, TBBT is written by people who have a “nerd consultant”. I 90% guarantee Saga got in because they asked an intern what’s popular in nerd culture.

Community is far better then TBBT.

What bugs me about TBBT is that it has always, consistently, made the laziest possible jokes about every random nerdy/science/geeky thing they talk about. Which is fine in some situations.... making jokes about how you’re always trying to trade Sheep for Wood in Catan probably works just fine for the huge chunk of

Kevin Kiner knocked it out of the park with the score in the back third or so of the episode. I’m guessing that a lot of us were blown away by how incredible the score was in combination to those trippy yet amazing visuals.

The Resistance is resisting the First Order, which controls a different section of galactic space than the New Republic. I figured that out from the TFA opening crawl; I’m still perplexed that so many people find it so difficult.