
The problem is that most people don’t believe they would need it. It is the “It could never happen to me” problem.

I have a pair of Sony wired noise cancelling headphones that are more than 10 years old. They are still awesome. 

What I want to know is how Tom and Ray Magliozzi are going to be in this movie. Tom passed away in 2014.

Came here for this-was not disappointed.

Or is it going to have a 3" receiver as was rumored?

Came here for this. Was not disappointed!

Divergent evolution! ;)

Divergent Evolution. ;)

Except that parents will use the rating system to determine whether or not to take their 9-13 year old kids to see a certain film. Most parent will not take a kid to see an R rated film, regardless of the story. They are “shoehorning” films into a rating because they want the dollars that the families will shell out

Since, Disney has already done an animated version of this, I figure they are following their recent trend of making all animated classics live action. Plus, Disney can draw on cues and nostalgia from their animated version that WB cannot. While The Jungle Book may be public domain, Disney’s The Jungle Book is not,

I and others misread your post. Since Dark Disciple was published after the Disney acquisition, it is Canon. I think “Killed off” makes the post more clear.

It is my understanding that The Clone Wars film and series ARE a part of the new canon. Wikipedia confirms it.

To the first question—I have no idea..

“A Long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...” is essentially the Star Wars version of “once upon a time...”

It is actually a win-win for Disney. The are Building Avatar Land at the Animal Kingdom Park. So, we can assume that Star Wars will do well, and if Avatar 2 does well, it will drive people to Walt Disney World!

It is actually in a neighborhood called Ransom Canyon, that is just east of Lubbock, Texas; it is about 100 miles south of Palo Duro.

He actually commented on getting paid well on The Tonight Show, so yes, I am sure $ has something to do with it.

What’s your point? I have 7:00 pm tix on the 17th. In the US. In 3D!

Deanna’s final act was not completely futile—Yes she only took out a few, but, the noise of the shots would likely attract the attention of the other zombies in the house—making it more of a heroic sacrifice.

Yep. Everyone is infected, so when you die, you turn. The bite doesn’t make you turn, but bites are 100% fatal, except (as stated) when you quickly amputate the bitten limb. Get bit on the torso, and you are srewed.