Are you referring to Gawker or Gameloft, I couldn't tell..
Are you referring to Gawker or Gameloft, I couldn't tell..
As @the_loxster says, it's not the worst thing but they could STILL let us have an option to ops out! Instead of the 'blog view' a genuine classic options for us that want it.
Guys PLEASE tell me Kotaku won't change to that shitty new look on other gawker sites... PLEASE! It's SHIT! It's like ME2 without the Normandy, CMON!
It's only the S-ATA chips that are at fault and only ports 2-5, ports 0-1 can be used without any problems. In my opinion it's not a big problem considering most manufacturers only use the first ports (Dell, HP, Acer, etc).
@Biokinetica: I'll just leave it there.
"Researchers at the London School of Economics"...
"We" are controlling them, but who is controlling "us" and why is Israel playing a big role in this? They have nuclear weapons of their own, why are they able to keep them but nobody else around them?
I'm a Muslim and don't celebrate but Merry Christmas to you guys, and everybody at Gizmodo! Happy holidays and happy new year too!
@MichaelPalin: He is from Iran if I'm not mistaken, well his father was. Close Aklost, all the semitic people (arabs and jews) look the same, but Jews often have (not being anti-) European surnames, German or Polish often.
@DreamTheEndless: It's actually almost legit, has nothing to do with usuall "100hz refresh rate" though; []
No thanks, my Moccamaster and Swiss Gold filter is fine.
@TheRealDoshu: I've never been scared while playing but this time I don't know what happened but I was scared like a ten year old kid! I can't believe I haven't played HL2 before.. Anyhow, best game-buy this year with Castlevania close behind.
So I bought The Orange Box the other day and fuck HL2 is good! At the time, when it was released, I bought Doom 3 instead. What a mistake! Anyhow, Ravenholm? Shit!
@Sergio526: We have around two-three months with snow and around 1-30cm. It's usually around two months and around 10-20cm snow. I live in the most southern parts of Sweden, we have the 'mildest' winters :)
@Sergio526: In Sweden it's a law, you mush have appropriate tires between 1dec-31mar if it's below zero, snowing etc. If you don't have winter tires it'll cost you 1200SEKx4=~700USD.
"Here's why it's so damn cool."
I'm disgusted by the American hypocritical bullshit in every war-related article. The total casualties of the Second World War was over 60 million fucking people, not only 5 million Jews.
@bluebogle: They did wear similar or have worn variations of the Keffiyeh, but not the same thing. It would surprise me if I saw a Jew wear one because it is a symbol of 'Palestinian solidarity'.