Kid C

can someone much smarter than me explain how stretching a 27m contract over three years saves the team 100m ?!?

“If the goalkeeper or a team-mate infringes the Laws of the Game:
- if the ball enters the goal, a goal is awarded

annilated by the referees who didn’t call a clear foul against Harden when the game was getting close late in the game?

great! but when are they going to post the Nassar videos?

there are people who would pay alot of money for that “old man stranger”...

the look at :28 says it all

who has time for 6 minutes and 56 seconds ?!?

two words: Micheal Jackson

will they be suing Ketamine as well?

So thats what happened to Liev Schreiber...

WWIII is brewing and you are worried about a few soccer games?

he was playing in the second division ?!?

so he was steriods, right?

biggest underdog in nba finals history wins the game. wondering what the betting looked like on that one? (and if you are wondering if I am implying something fishy, yes i am)

Deitsch reported that Rex Ryan is “likely” to serve as an analyst in the booth alongside Mowins.

or maybe its because thats what the rappers used it...

and now i think we know

pretty soon a cup of coffee after dinner will keep you up all night