and the no-look backheel flick that rooney from 4 years buries in the back of the net
and the no-look backheel flick that rooney from 4 years buries in the back of the net
If you believe this story, then please send me $1000 and I will offer you 20% of the $4.2m sitting in Benin bank in return for your assistance
At what point does dunking a basketball not become a big deal anymore?
call the match fixing police...
you are not a truther if it’s true
that’s what he gets for the scripted bullshit
i guess we are expecting refs to have x-ray vision now...
didnt every NBA’er do outrageous things in HS basketball, especially those playing in “shirt and tie” basketball conferences...
so he basically admitted he is a weed smoker. how is he passing the drug tests?
not to get all nuanced, but that is my point. its never the same speed and distance, and even shoulder to shoulder. one always come farther, one always come faster, and it often shoulder to back. it may be 55/45 but its never 100% shoulder to shoulder. that is what the ref is trained to see and calls the foul for.…
thanks for the 411. i thought maybe it was peameal bacon sandwich day or something...
50,000 for a day game in Toronto ?!?
what the fuckity fuck is with all those hashtags?
who wants to bet he gets a “random” ped test sometime in the near future?
what was the line on Panama scoring first?
“100% even shoulder to shoulder charge” no such thing exists...
what appears as a judgement call to you, may not be a judgement call to a trained professional...
the person (me) who reffed at higher level than you did ripped it out from underneath your feet...
false. brazil had it 10 yrs earlier...
Girl with the middrift at :13. FIND HER