
It's not that the actual dress is blue and black, it's that people's brains are interpreting this badly taken photo in two different ways. Our eyes are seeing two different things, and some people are seeing the dress change colors, which can't be what's actually happening.

What I find most perplexing is not so much that other people's perceptions of the colors in this dress vary so distinctly, it's that my own perception of these colors has varied so distinctly. When I first saw the dress it was definitely white and gold. Definitely. And then I tilted the screen (like in the Vine

Didn't we already get the answer to this?

He really started getting me when he takes off the mask and we hear his Doctor's theme for the first time. "Hello, hello, rubbish robots from the dawn of time...I can blow this entire room if I see anything I don't like. And that includes karoke and mimes."

I sort of approach every fresh encounter like it could turn into "Looking for Mr. Goodbar", and then wonder why I haven't had sex in so long.

"Family is important to me."

I always say that my cat is the only man I'll ever need. Even now, he's pleasantly curled up next to me on the couch, being quiet...not quite touching me, but, near enough. He's such a good boy!

My cat is more my child than a boyfriend.

me. Red Tabby, no collar or tags,spayed female, loud meow. You crazy cat lady with cheese flavored treats.

Oh shit! How come shit like this never happens in my part of North Texas?

"I'm ready to settle down" within what sounds like the first half hour of the date? No. Absolutely not. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Get your ass home.

Cats would never do this to anyone— they just don't have the attention span. This is why I will marry my cat and live happily ever after.

Really? Maybe not in NYC but out in the conservative middle of the country they have plenty of laws such as forcing a woman to have a transvaginal ultrasound before getting an abortion, if in fact, she can get an abortion because the Republicans have used their political power to shut down an abortion clinic.

Now playing

Sugarhill Gang would like to add some commentary:

*watches* ....Nope, he's still ungodly attractive.

Thank you for the Sylar jpg. Bad Sylar = great. Good Sylar =showkiller. I do miss the Sylar/Matt Parkman chemistry.

Maybe that is how they do extract that supplement?

The best was definitely Nimoy reenacting Spock's death scene through the glass. ;)