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lorded over by the most insidiously craven capitalist in animalkind, but Tom Nook

Yes yes yes...but any mask is better than none. We need to stop this “well technically this mask isn’t blocking virus” talk. Folks wearing them are better off period. Here in Thailand most are just using loose hospital type masks...less than 3k for 12 million people and 50 deaths...

“Listen to women!”

Animal Crossing. Either you like it because it’s charming or you don’t because you’ve never been happy for even one moment in your life.

Animal Crossing. Either you like it because it’s charming or you don’t because you’ve never been happy for even one

I love this game because it is what you make it. My wife the non gamer can be creative and enjoys a no pressure environment while I love beating the Islanders into submission with my net. It’s about learning to love the little things I guess.

I love this game because it is what you make it. My wife the non gamer can be creative and enjoys a no pressure

I think people are mistaken in calling these “end” credits. They are just credits. Obviously the real point of Animal Crossing is to play throughout the year and collect, decorate, or whatever you want to do. There’s going to be a lot more stuff that happens in your village after this point. They just had to put the

In a surprising twist, I’m actually glad (in this case, not necessarily overall) to be playing totally offline and “missing out” on this event since I’m not connected to Nintendo’s servers to verify my time and date. I’ve been getting the nice cherry blossom stuff without the creepy bunny, intrusive egg drops, and

The kind with tomato (a very juicy fruit) sauce

What kind of pizza are you eating that has “juices”?

That’s becoming the Netflix Doc house style.  Selective editing and hinting that there’s a person who is totally innocent and in prison or totally guilty but free, and then imply corruption, etc.  Netflix docs are so much worse than their scripted series.

Yeah, I don’t think you can blame reports that controlled medical use of a substance are being investigated for medical treatment on someone going out and drinking fish additives, and more than you can blame reports on the dangers of high blood pressure for someone drinking rat poison (which actually isn’t a blood

Animal Crossing: New Horizons Design App Is Basically A Cute-Ass Photoshop

I like Nook.  If he’s supposed to be a critique of capitalism, it’s not a very good critique.  Why the hell would I pick up all of those seashells and harvest all that fruit if I didn’t have something to work towards?

Well I for one loved The Silmarillion, many years ago. Took me about 3 tries, but it was worth it. So, RIP Chris T.

If homicide were totally disallowed, we’d have to do without the glory that is Michelle Williams. Gee, think of what we might’ve missed.

Support thread for folks who found both Force Awakens and TLJ boring and realized you’ll never love Star Wars as much as you did as a child and that’s ok

“ Bring out the stockings at the end.”

I am not an introvert and I also recognize that this is crap advice, so don’t worry

Screw this.  If k or ok does the job that is what I am using.  If you can’t handle it.....too bad.