
LeBron James: [no look] “Pass.”

I haven’t been a Lebron fan since the bullshit decision nonsense when he went to Miami. Then, as a Laker fan, when he signed with LA, I was ambivalent at best about him signing. Now, after his HK taek, it turns out he’s still the vapid, self centered jackass who did that decision bullshit. What a surprise. 

I hear it’s part of the Uighur re-education curriculum in Xinjiang.

I don’t want to get into a feud with Cognac McCarthy, but I believe he isn’t educated on the situation at hand. And so many people could have been harmed not only financially, physically, emotionally, spiritually. So just be careful what we post and say and we do, even though, yes, we do have freedom of speech, but

That pass was blinder than a Hong Kong protestor shot in the eyes by the Chinese government.

The length of a movie today seems like a statement of significance, like the film has so much to say that it requires a long running time.


I can’t wait to get lost and frustrated at the monkeys in the “I just can’t wait to be king” segment of The Lion King..

Finally, an expert opinion I can trust.

No self respecting HVAC person would tell you to set your away temp more than 3-4 degrees from your home temp. When you get home your heat pump will never turn off trying to cool your house the seven degrees listed above.

Right!? Who can sleep in a hot house?? I crank it down to 68-69 at night!

I recently rewatched the whole series, and I didn’t think Phantom Menace was that bad. Attack of the Clones is so much worse. The outdated CGI is way overused compared to Phantom Menace, which relied on a surprising amount of practical effects. Anakin comes off as such an unlikable creep. Padme is rightfully turned

Thing is, in 1999 audiences left theaters satisfied, almost giddy, with Episode 1. Darth Maul was the character with the biggest impact and the climatic battle ended a 16 year light saber battle drought. It was in the years that followed that the nerd echo chamber exploded and public derision for the film came to the

This continues to be one of the worst, most naive takes on Deadspin. Sometimes, you can’t operate on what you wish was true and you have to operate on what *is* true.

In regards to your Phelps example, let’s say swimming had two divisions; one for people with short arms and one for people with long arms. Phelps and his freakishly long arms qualify for the long arm division. Do you think it would be fair for him to compete in the short arm division?

I fail to understand why I should be opposed to this. These people are breaking the law.

You can WELL AKSHUALLY this all you like, but your candidates have spoken, loudly, on national television, about opening the borders and giving illegals free healthcare. I know those are very popular positions here, but really unpopular positions for the voting public. So either the Democrats are going to have to

Decriminalizing illegal border crossings is open borders. It’s a cute trick to try, but it didn’t fool anyone, except, apparently, Democrat voters.

American voters aren’t going to be shamed into open borders, or free everything.  Keep trying though.