
Seriously now. Fuck mobile games for 3 fucking reasons:

As a black man. I will tell all of you this.....During my military career, I’ve been to Latin American, Asia and Europe. This is the greatest country hands down. Thus far in my 56 yrs on this planet, I have visited some 21 countries and lived in 6 of them. I’ve seen real poverty up close. Not the, Can’t buy the name

If you need to feel hospitable in a place like Twitch, where the incentive to get paid is to get more users, and the larger streamers have a constant barrage of chat...I just don’t see how it’s possible to avoid this stuff completely.

Im pretty sure there would be zero outrage right now if they cast that coin purse as Batman. Perfectly qualified too. 

“Seltzer” is defined as “soda water” and “sparkling water” is an effervescent beverage artificially charged with carbon dioxide”.

Neither of The Two Jimmies are funny, talented, or watchable. I can’t stand Kimmel or Fallon. They’re both an embarrassment to watch.   And James Corden is almost as bad.

And the worst cut of all... it was a lap dance that nobody remembered!

Yeah I don’t know why everyone is praising this. It looks awful. I’d rather watch the original.

Give me a break 


I cannot fathom a situation in which I thought the best choice was to start giving another man a lap dance. Apparently this guy’s parents failed him.

The only thing I can think of that would be worse than giving your boss a lap dance, would be to then go on to tell the world that you gave your boss a lap dance.

There are moments in your life where you either stand up for yourself, or you don’t, if you don’t, it will haunt you the rest of your life. My mom taught me very early in life, “ Life’s too short to take anyone shit”. Best advice I ever received. Sure I have lost jobs and clients over it, been in real actual fights too

I would think the first step in a situation in which ones finds himself sexually assaulted would be to file a police report to report the crime, then hire a lawyer to contact HR to get some real resolution. Not wait 4 years later to report it in a book.

Look, I know this sort of suggestion would get you into A LOT more trouble, but sometimes when I hear these stories I think, if it were me (and maybe this is just my problem):

No, I love New York City. I used to live there. Sometimes I miss it so much, I’ll fill my humidifier with urine.

BuT tHe CuLtUrE! It’S tHe GrEaTeSt CiTy On EaRtH!

Again, why would anyone willingly decide to live and work in loud noisy cramped NYC and put up with either

What this research actually seems to be saying is that if you leave your child with a crappy babysitter who restrains them in a car seat for hours instead of actually caring for them, then there’s an increased risk they might die. Letting your baby sleep in their car seat next to you in a restaurant is not going to

This article’s summary of this research is so bad that it borders on willful falsehood. Here’s the actual result from the study: