
“You’d walk around the office and one guy would be watching hangings on YouTube, another guy would be looking at pictures of murder victims, someone else would be watching a video of a cow being slaughtered,” they said. “The scary part was always the point at which new people on the project got used to it. And I

it will be a cold day in hell before I give up my wood burning fireplace.

He is able to forge fake friendships and commit to them for long periods of time, then destroy them in order to settle the cheapest score imaginable. Maybe that’s not a total sociopath, but it’s on the spectrum.

So that guy dedicated a year of his life forming a fake friendship in order to get back at the guy who . . . spoiled a movie?

This is just...sad and pathetic. And arguably much, much worse than what originally happened to this person because he actually made this other guy feel like he had a good friend before getting his revenge.

So this asshole was in the theater with his phone out taking pictures? He’s worse than the spoiler.

I mean, that guy was a troll, but this guy is a sociopath. If I were that troll, I’d sleep with one eye open for the rest of my life.

You don’t get to remove speech just because you don’t like it.  Good for him for not yielding to the hysterical mob.  It’s his goddam company and he can do what he wants.   If you don’t like it then get off twitter - oh wait, none of you will!

There is an argument to be made about suppressing the right to vote for people currently in jails and prisons: we don’t ever accord rights absolutely, and they are subject to reasonable restriction (take note, gun nuts). Even First Amendment rights are frequently subject to time, place and manner restrictions (take

Its just a chicken restaurant, and people are allowed to oppose, or support, gay marriage. Chill and have a chicken sandwich, or dont. Just leave the zambonis alone.

The world is not ready for the sheer volume of amateur lawyering we’re about to see.

Yes, unlike the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, NCAA, and Pro Tennis circuits, which are all proletarian exercises in egalitarianism, appealing first and foremost to the poor person in all of us sitting in the Poverty Suites at our publicly funded stadiums and arenas.

I have to agree on this one. She at the very least needs to practice having her speeches proofread by slooths looking to see how much damage her words can do when out of context.

“Freedom of Speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences.”

“Display Very Naked Photos” was also the setting on Matt Lauer’s desktop.

Anyone else think the ending was really ... weird? Hasselbeck basically crawled into Walters’ lap for their “everything’s fine” moment, even as Barbara continues to say one of the things that upset her in the first place.

Fact: Soda takes years off your life.

It’s going to be wonderful watching her fall back to earth in the eyes of the low information Splinter crowd.  God help her if she has to compromise on something to maintain some minimal level of viability in Congress

I still got two of the McDonalds glasses they sold to promote this movie. Sometimes I drink booze out of them LIKE A BIG BOY.

So people took something that was perfect and made it unbearable?