
Personal Top 10:

Okay, several points.

There is no way Blade Runner 2049 should have been omitted from this list.

You could make an argument that Blade Runner 2049, Thor: Ragnarok or Wonder Woman should all be ahead of The Last Jedi.

Wha happened to Blade Runner 2049, I really don’t get how star wars is in this list, but not blade runner 🤔, being a fan of both I think blade runner actually was a better movie by itself

I don’t really get why critics are giving it such a pass either. Even if it doesn’t bother you that it drops the established mysteries from the last movie it’s still a messy movie whose tone is all over the place.

Even taken on pure technical terms, I refuse to accept that Last Jedi deserves a spot over Blade Runner.

I’m sorry, but The Last Jedi doesn’t belong anywhere near this list.

People boycotted EA with great success I think we can do the same for an ISP

Come on: how is this even pop culture news or relevant in any fucking sense? What the fuck is the point to this article/post? The fact that it’s “light-hearted?” Who the fuck even cares?

True, but think of the flip side of the coin. The billionaire is paying much, MUCH more in income tax anyway, about $40 for every $100 earned. I’d be PISSED if the feds were taking that much from me! Whereas your cheesecake factory example of a poor person is paying peanuts in taxes when compared to the grand scope of

Every income I put in gets a tax cut. Isnt that a good thing?

Sean — and I say this with an incredible amount of respect for you as a writer (one of my favorites on the internet), a journalist, and a person — this is legitimately clickbait bullshit. The mountain of qualifiers heaped in the second half of this article practically unwrites the first and proves that point. Except

I actually agree with this.

I’m a man. I read this article and all it did was piss me off. I read your comment first and I felt better again. Don’t pretend you are helping by ‘admitting’ you are part of the problem and then writing an article saying so, thinking that you are actually making change. How about first just simply not being part of

Thank you. I’ve been reading Champ’s work for years and there is no doubt that he is a talented writer. But I’ve watched him falling prostrate at the feet of his female readership with this whole nauseating brand of self-flagellating faux feminism and to me it diminishes him as a writer. And the phrase“performative

I hate Trump as much as the next person but this is petty.

Can we stop being amazed by corporate Twitters already? Millenials break free of Madison Avenue’s influence, only to be gulled by its stupider, cheaper Internet analogue.

I am really loving the duo of Ford & Gosling, I’d love to see some kind of comedy with them both.

I should say up front that I’m maybe one of the few that loved (or liked a lot) The Nice Guys, so swapping out Crowe with Ford could be fun.