
The reason parents freak out about bedtimes has more to do with wanting their own downtime than worrying if their kids are getting enough sleep. I love my kids and love spending time with them, but after I’ve already been awake for 13-14 hours, worked a full day, made dinner, gave them baths, etc, I need them to go to

A lot of people really don’t think they stand for those things though. I don’t, for instance.

John 8:1-11:

Very well said! I don’t agree with homosexuality but I desperately want them to know I still care about them as human beings. I found out well into my adulthood some of my best friends growing up are gay. I was kinda shocked but they’re my friends and I love them. I definitely don’t wish them any ill.

But where it gets out of line is when they take their beliefs and try to institute it in laws and legislation.


Well, thank God I have the permission of a NYT critic to do something.

so go ahead and watch whatever parts you want, then quit without guilt.

We get it, you hate white people.

no, we need more plain t shirts. skip the damn advertising. gender neutral, violà.

Thank you. I came here to say this. People keep asking for stories about real people that are inclusive. THIS IS A FUCKING REAL STORY THAT IS INCLUSIVE. SO REAL IN FACT THAT IT FUCKING HAPPENED. Unless white women now have to either date within their race or no one is allowed to tell true stories about interracial

Its not a personality test, its magic...

I actually think this is silly and super performative on the mom’s part. Acknowledging your baby’s apparent biological sex doesn’t mean gender norms or even a gender has to be forced on them. If everything looks standard down below, as the vast majority of genitals do, you can tell what sex the kid is with great

I don’t suppose it matters on the birth certificate, but it does seem a little foolish to just pretend sex has no relationship to health. You don’t need to force anything on a child, but that is medically necessary information regardless of what gender, if any, the child identifies with.

1. I don’t think you Yankees can really BBQ. Any of you.

Only quibble.

You could just report on this without the dripping condenscension. It costs Nintendo little to port already released games and I’m glad to see they’re still doing so.

I’m honestly curious, because I cannot for the life of me understand.. Why would it be wrong to include people of all races in a celebration? Why would a group exclude a race from their “anti-racist” organization. If the tables were turned “we are having a party, and no blacks are allowed” would everyone be accepting

“I believe their first suspending and then firing her was directly because of her appearing on the Tucker Carlson TV show, and is a violation of her federal and state constitutional rights to free speech,” Farber said.

“But unfortunately for you, and the rest of us, it is very real and going to have bleak consequences for us.”

Fuuckkkkkk, enough doom and gloom already. We get it — we’re screwed. I work from home, drive less than 8K miles per year, turn off lights when I’m not using them, recycle when possible, live a near